The Great thing about being your own boss is that you are your own boss. You get to design your business and life just the way you want it.
The hardest thing about being your own boss is that you are your own boss.
So, you need to create structure and ways to measure your performance to keep yourself accountable.
When was the last time you celebrated your wins?
When was the last time you expressed gratitude for your strengths, for what you have, and for others in your life that have been instrumental in helping you?
When was the last time you eliminated things out of your business and life that you don’t like doing and either handed them over to somebody else or got rid of them altogether?
If you don’t ever celebrate your wins and feel gratitude, how do you ever know if your winning?
If you are too tightly scheduled, how do you ever find the space to grow and expand?
If you’re not clear on what you want, how do you know what direction to go in?
Consider what you say NO to might just be the things you can be most proud of.
The more space you create.
The more intentional you become with what you want for your business and life.
The more you measure your performance towards your outcomes.
The more accountable you are.
The more you improve.
What gets measured improves.
What you don’t measure does not.
The end
With respect and admiration Glen Michaelides