Sales & Marketing

100% to 300% sales conversion increase without the need to discount or over promise
The Ultimate Conversion System

More often than not, I find business owners are overestimating their sales conversion stats, and that is precisely why conversion often gets ignored and overlooked. Instead, all the focus goes to looking for the next prospect opportunity making its number one hidden reason for low growth and profits.

The most expensive part is getting the client, so would it make sense to optimise and improve this area of your business first so that you can increase revenue and profits without having to spend any extra.

The Ultimate conversion system makes the old way of selling a thing of the past and is perfect if you don’t like selling my proven method is designed that if followed correctly will cause your clients to be asking to buy your products and services and eliminates any need for having to sell hard.


By asking quality questions

2 Trust

By building massive rapport

3 Teach

By showing your advantages

4 Results

By benefits in advance

5 Risk

By eliminating all objections

6 Close

By leading your prospect
The reason why this system works so well is because it rapidly positions you are the definitive expert trusted adviser and the only obvious choice in your market to do business with.

Nobody likes being sold to, but everybody loves to buy, and we buy from people whom we know like and trust because it feels safe and gives us certainty.

In order to influence and inspire our prospects first, we must understand their motivation behind them wanting to buy, and we do this by asking specific questions that drill down on our prospects fears frustrations wants needs and desires so we can understand their emotional drivers.

We use the answers to our questions to diagnose and demonstrate we can solve their problems quicker easier, and more effectively than our competitors this process builds a high level of rapport and when followed correctly creates trust in you, your products, services, company and of course trust themselves to make the right buying decision.

With trust on your side, your positioned to educate your prospect on the benefits and advantages of your productsand how it is uniquely different in the marketplace in comparison to your competitors.

Once your prospect understands your uniqueness you further enhance trust buy either reducing or elimination any perceived risks in doing business with you there for dramatically reducing buying resistance, remember sales are about helping your prospect, so you have an obligation to get it right.

Quality questions + emotional drivers + unique advantages + eliminating risk = conversion increase without the need to discount or overpromise.

Quality Questions

Emotional Drivers

Unique Advantages

Eliminating Risk

Conversion % Increase

If you want to increase your conversion results by up to 300% book your complementary business coaching session. Or join our free membership site and get access to the sales conversion training
Lead Accelerator System

The number one obstacle for controlling growth and managing costs is mastering marketing. The problem is many business owners undervalue it and see it as just another job on the to do list.

However, marketing is the number one thing you must master for bringing in reliable, sustainable deal flow into your company devaluing or ignoring marketing is like trying to breath underwater its impossible to survive.

The lead accelerator system has 6 key brand multiplying steps that are highly effective at zeroing in on you’re best clients who are easy to deal with, have a higher propensity to pay more, are easy to deliver to and want to buy your products and services without you having to jump through hoops to get a sale.

  1. Identify and focus on your best payday clients 80% of your revenue will come from 20% of your best clients, so It makes sense to focus on them.
  2. Design powerful, persuasive messages, so it resonates with your best clients who are experiencing pain urgency and proactively looking for solutions.
  3. Define your unique buying advantages and market differentiation by giving compelling reasons why to do business with you and position in front of your competitors.
  4. Demonstrate prospects can achieve their outcomes by showing results in advance from past client’s past experiences and then guarantee those results.
  5. Position yourself as the number 1 expert by educating your market on how to solve their problems and demonstrating how only choosing you will get the results they are desiring.
  6. Use the power of multimedia to deliver targeted, differentiated, andeducational messages to your market to achieve predictable, reliable, and affordable lead generation results.

The lead accelerator system guides you on how to deliver targeted messages to your market and most importantly creates a direct response from your best prospects by using proven on-demand multimedia platforms like.

YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn your Website Instagram, Blogs and Email marketing. Meaningyou can get your market dominating messages in front of your best clients, reliably predictably and affordably.

It is a highly leveraged method called The Brand Multiplier Effect

1. Find the most valuable Market with a problem and position yourself as the #1 expert.
2. Design your Message, so it educates your market on solving their specific problems.
3. Select a Media that delivers the solutions to your market predictably and affordably.

  • Target Clients
  • Market Motivation
  • Buying Advantage
  • Proof in Advance
  • Educate Market
  • Offer Market
  • Lead Increse
Why this system works so well is because it can take one directly crafted message and deliver it across multiple platforms giving 7x the targeted reach from one marketing effort.

Meaning if you send only one message per week, four per month x7 platforms that is 28 directly targeted messages to your best clients every month, saving valuable time and increasing profits.

At Empire, we help you every step of the way to become the industry expert in the eyes of your best clients and gain control of creating on demand lead flow and consistent growth for your business

Our simple four P’s of Inspiring your prospects is the gateway to on demandlead acceleration

1. Positioning you as the most logical business choice.
2. Promoting you in the most leveraged media platforms.
3. Processes to measure the results for maximum ROI.
4. Preeminent specialist, industry expert and only choice.

If you want to create reliable, predictable and on demand leads into your business, then book your complementary business coaching session. Or join our free membership site and get access to the lead accelerator system training.

Request A Free Business Coaching Session TODAY

We are here to help you shine a light on what you need to create the business and life you want, starting with a 30 minute discovery call with Glen. Its your opportunity to discuss your biggest business challenges in this free comprehensive, growth orientated session.

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